So, it's been awhile. I'm not going to bother updating you on everything that's happened since I last posted since I promised I would do that last time and never got to it.
I am posting here though for a specific reason. I'm in the process of designing a pair of socks. I was driven to do this thanks to the Sock Knitter's Anonymous group on Ravelry. They have a monthly challenge that I've been joining in on for a while and this month's challenge is a man's sock, a holiday stocking, a design by Jeannie Cartmel or Socks for a Cause.
Now I haven't mentioned this here before but I come from a family that's been fairly affected by breast cancer. Both of my grandmothers have had it in the past and one is currently undergoing treatment for a recurrence.
So I thought, what better to knit than a sock that benefits breast cancer, both for the SKA challenge and since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. But I'd already knit a couple of the breast cancer supporting socks out there and the rest don't really appeal to me, so I've dove in and I am currently designing a pair of socks!
That's what I have so far, and I do have the rest of the pattern written out and tested on a mini prototype sock, but I just want to get past the heel flap before I send it out to test knitters.
Thanks to some helpful suggestions on Ravelry I've decided to name them Pink Promise Socks.
As soon as I get the pattern finished and the test knitting done, I'm going to be posting it for sale here and hopefully on Ravelry and all the proceeds from the Pink Promise Socks will be going to support the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, so stay tuned!