So sorry about the lack of postings as of late. Time has been sucked away by midterms, and other time, even time I didn't have, has been taken by Ravelry, it's so awesome! If you're not in yet, I'm sorry, but it's well worth the wait, and if you don't have your name on the list yet, Go now, what are you waiting for???
Knitting wise, I've been knitting a lot on Gwen's blanket, all the squares are done, I just need to do some piecing together and then pick up for the border. I've also started, and almost finished - just needs to be blocked and seamed, a baby kimono from Mason-Dixon Knitting. I'm really sorry I don't have pictures, my camera doesn't want to cooperate lately and I'm just really hoping it's a battery problem and not a bigger problem, because I really can't afford a camera right now. I'll try to take pictures and post them if the camera works once the batteries are recharged.
I've also started Tricorner, a scarf from Knitting New Scarves, a book I've been coverting ever since I saw Grumperina's post about it - it's so cool! I went and spent some time yesterday in the bookstore pouring over it, and have dropped some blatent hints to my mother so hopefully I will get it for Christmas. But until then I've kind of adapted what I remember about this pattern to something that works, took frogging it a few time last night, but I like how it's coming out so far, and it's using up some yarn I made a very, very cabled scarf out of last year that got frogged because I didn't like it and hadn't found a use for yet.
Baking - I've been doing a lot more lately since my oven was fixed, and actually have a few friends coming over to have a bakeathon this afternoon, so that should be fun. I've been experimenting with Monkey Bread a lot and I think I found a modification that I like a lot better. Most recipes have you dip the pieces in a butter-brown sugar mix before putting them together, but I found those a bit too sticky, so I found that it worked well for me to dip or coat (they don't need to be dripping) in melted butter, and then roll them in a white sugar-cinnamon mix and put them together. The bits absorbed the cinnamon and sugar and tasted so great! I still had some butter-sugar mix left from before and so I poured that over the finished product just before it went in the oven and I think it came out very, very well.
Well, hope you're enjoying your weekend, and savour that extra hour today!
ETA: sorry I've now realized that picture is from my first attempt that turned out very sticky, not the successful one, but still yummy looking right?
also ETA: picture of Tricorner - It's not my camera, just very dead batteries, YAY!