Thursday, April 17, 2008

Exams, Exams and more exams!!!

Hey everyone! Again I am so sorry for the lack of posting, I really don't think I'm cut out to be a blogger, I've never been successful in keeping a journal, but I'm going to continue with the occasional post, because sometimes you just need to say things.

I haven't had much time to post either as the semester is coming to an end quickly. Classes ended last Friday, so there was a massive pile of end of term assignments and group work (which I am now positive I hate!) and quizzes and such. Exam period started on Monday, and I had the worst exam schedule, I had two yesterday and one this morning, so it has been a hellish weekend/2 days, but hey at least the majority of my exams are over now and I'm still alive. Sure my eyes hurt from all the reading, but I only have 2 more exams next week and I will be finished with 2nd year! Oh my goodness!

Knitting-wise I have had a grand case of startitis which is usually the case when I get stressed out, however I think I overdid it as in the last couple weeks my wrists have been hurting and now I have an elbow twinge when I knit, so I'm trying to lay off the knitting, but I got started and a few things finished, so I have lots to show!!

Secret of the Stole II - I don't think I posted about this at all while I was doing it but even starting late and getting delayed through mid-terms I did finish on-time, and it paid off! I won the grand prize for completion, 1 kg of cashmere yarns from Colourmart (who by the way I definitely recommend, very fast shipping!), pictures will come, I've just been too busy.
But here is my finished stole. I love it, it was my first lace project, and I really enjoyed making, I love the colour, and it's so warm, I can really see it coming in handy for summer and cold AC places. Cheryl07_183_2_1_1
If you like the stole, the pattern is now available on Nautical Knitter's website, here, she's awesome so please support her by buying the pattern, there are two options for the pattern, one with the arch in the middle, and one just a straight stole. I've heard that SOTSiii is going to be starting sometime around the end of summer, so if you're interested stay tuned to Nautical Knitter's website for details!

My Cabled Cardigan - I did it! I finished my first cardigan, and my first improvised design sweater!! It was my first button band, and I have to say, I am so glad I was lucky enough to only have to do it once (I've probably jinxed myself now for my next sweater, darn!) since there were 408 stitches in one row of the button band, that's too many with the weight of a whole sweater attached. But the finished product is great, it's a nice casual wear sweater for breezier spring days. The sleeves are a bit long, but I've just folded up a cuff for now. Also I was thinking of doing pockets, but then realized I'm completely out of yarn! Seriously, this worked out so well, I only have a few metres of yarn left! knit0413a

Jaden (from Knitty Spring 08) - I really like this top, and so I started it even though I should have been studying. I started the back on Friday and finished it on Sunday, I think this is what really brought on the elbow pain because it's knitting up really tight. So I don't think I'll start the front until after exams. My gauge is also off because I'm using a worsted weight cotton (Elann Endless Summer Connemara - discontinued) so I'm knitting the XS, it's kind of turning out in a S size, but I'm adding some extra length just to make sure, and also because short shirts annoy me. knit0425

Forest Canopy Shawl - I bought the pattern awhile ago, and didn't really want a worsted weight shawl, just a light shawl to wear on top of jeans casually, so recently on Ravelry I noticed that a few people had made it out of Cherry Tree Hill Supersock Merino. I love this sock yarn, seriously, love! My LYS just happened to be having a sock yarn sale, so I came home with 2 new skeins (I'm hoping my parents won't notice the amount of yarn in the apartment when they come to help me move home for the summer, there have been a few LYS trips where I have ended up with more than I intended/really needed...). I started it off in Spanish Moss, but didn't like how the pattern was coming out in it, plus it didn't seem very forest-y too me, so that first start is just sitting, I'll frog it later, I think I might want to try the Diamond Fantasy shawl in that yarn. But I did restart the Forest Canopy in Green Mountain Madness, which is a nice mix of greens, blues, teals, and blacks, and seems to be working out well, no pictures right now though, sorry.

Spring has also sprung in Montreal!! Finally!! We had a taste of it last week, but then it snowed over the weekend, which was gross and so not good for our mental sanity, but it's 20C out today and spring looks like it might stay this time, so yay!

Sorry for the drought of posts and then a huge one, I won't make any promises about when I'll be back to post again, but hopefully it will be soon, so see you then!